lesson image

Get some sidewalk chalk and go outside. With the "N" pointing toward the north, draw the lesson's diagram on the sidewalk pavement.

If you don't have chalk, draw the diagram on a large piece of paper. Orient the "N" pointing to the north, and anchor the paper edges with flat items such as small stones or books.

Stand at the middle of the cross.

Face north.

What direction is behind you?

What direction is at your left side, and which is at your right side?

While standing on your cross, recite these words: "When I face the north, the south is behind me; the west is at my left hand and the east is at my right hand."

Notebook Work: Label the top of your notebook page with "LESSON 10." First, copy the lesson diagram into your notebook with the "N" pointing toward the top of the page. Next, copy these words into your notebook. "When I face the north, the south is behind me; the west is at my left hand and the east is at my right hand."